Manage your mental health like a boss

Man in a blue jeans shirt with hands crossed.

Just as you look after your physical health, it’s equally important to give your mental health the care and attention it deserves. Especially as an entrepreneur, working in an environment with lots of uncertainty, emotional ups and downs, high workloads and financial pressures. Combine these stressors with any pre-existing symptoms or conditions you might already have and your mental health can take a hammering.

Checking in on your mental health will help you to understand any symptoms you’re experiencing and get the right support early on. And you’re in luck because we’re currently offering New Zealand-based founders a free Loffty assessment!

Find out what’s really going on

Mental health is complex and it’s common for people to experience many different mental health symptoms together at the same time. That’s why multi-condition assessment is key and why we developed Loffty, the world’s most comprehensive online mental health assessment. Customers often tell us that completing Loffty is therapeutic because it makes them feel personally understood and validated, often for the first time. Getting an assessment helps you understand the reasons for many of your current and past challenges and can be a huge relief. Congratulations on taking this important step towards understanding and managing your own mental health!

Loffty assessment gives you the full picture instantly

Loffty gives you an instant report on your mental health after asking you questions about 30 of the most common and treatable mental health conditions. These conditions include the following and more:

  • Bipolar
  • Adult ADHD
  • Depression
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Anorexia Nervosa
  • Binge Eating & Bulimia
  • Work Addiction
  • Panic
  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
  • Post-natal Depression
  • Social Phobias/Anxiety
  • Exercise Addiction
  • Compulsive Sexual Behaviour
  • Screen/Device Addiction
  • Psychosis
  • Complex Grief
  • Specific Phobias
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Self-harm & Suicidal Ideation
  • Uncontrolled Gambling

The assessment also collects information about any head injuries, history of physical, sexual or emotional trauma as well as information relating to your family history, current and past medication and side effects. Loffty will give you a summary of this information along with your symptoms and the likelihood that these symptoms point to you experiencing a certain condition as well as recommend next steps for you to manage your mental health. It will take you between 15-30 minutes to complete your Loffty assessment.

Optional: send your report to a professional

Often the short time you have with your GP, therapist, counsellor or other mental health professional can make it challenging for them to thoroughly investigate your mental health history and concerns. That’s why we made the Loffty report easy to share with your practitioner, either electronically via our ‘map’ or by printing out your report and taking it to your appointment. Your report makes it much easier to discuss your symptoms and make the most of your appointment when you meet in person because the practitioner will spend less time collecting key information. It helps your practitioner understand the big picture of your mental health very quickly, enabling them to dig deeper and make a better-informed diagnosis and treatment plan.

Redeeming your Loffty voucher

To access your free assessment, register on the Loffty New Zealand site*. When you get to the payment page (Step 2), enter this voucher code, click ‘Check Voucher’ then ‘Confirm’.

Your assessment will be free instead of the usual retail price of $59.

* Please note that this voucher code will only work on Loffty’s New Zealand website. If you have any issues redeeming your voucher, please email us at Available for a limited time only.

Voucher Code


Enjoy the ride

Good mental health provides a solid foundation for the growth of your business. It fuels smart decision-making, helps you to assess risks and opportunities objectively, ensures you have the energy you need and supports you to effectively communicate with your stakeholders. We want to help you enjoy your entrepreneurial journey – and your life – and make it sustainable!

Woman in the background with the coffee cup with the words LIKE A BOSS on the mug

Need urgent help?

If you are in danger, or you know someone else who is in danger or endangering others, call emergency services immediately on 111.

If it is not an emergency, but immediate counselling is needed, here are some options:

  • LIFELINE: Free call 0800 543 354 or free text 4357 (available 24/7)
  • YOUTHLINE: Free call 0800 376 633 (available 24/7)
  • YOUTHLINE: Free text 234 (available 8am to midnight)
  • NEED TO TALK?: Free call or free text 1737 (available 24/7)
  • KIDSLINE: Free call 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)
  • WHATSUP: Free call 0800 942 8787 (available for kids and teenagers from 12pm to 11pm Mon-Fri and 3pm to 11pm Sat-Sun)
  • DEPRESSION HELPLINE: Free call 0800 111 757 or free text 4202


Loffty is not for use in emergencies, so please DO NOT contact us if you need immediate help. Instead, use the details provided above.